404 Air Park Rd, Tupelo, MS 38801
Relief valves are not mandatory for all applications. In applications calculated without release valves, pressure relief is accessible by spinning the wheels.
The vane pump inlet and outlet ports can be put together in numerous positions. The model code (Table 1) and pictorial presentation Figure 9, identifies port positions for each segment of the vane pump.
Disassembly and assembly procedures are in section V1-A through J.
With a bare minimum drive speed of 800 rpm, a pump ought to prime almost at once, if conditions are made to begin with purge air from the system.
Not priming in a practical length of time can effect in the damage due to lack of lubrication. Inlet lines should be tight and free from air leaks. It may be necessary to crack a fitting on the outlet side of the pump to eliminate trapped air.
These are some standard tools for overhauling the trans¬mission unit are shown hi Figure 10.
Figure 10. Standard Tools In addition to the above tools, an arbor press is necessary to service bearings, etc. Protection of this unit is intri¬cate and ought to not be attempted without the appropriate tools.
Special tools are shown in Figures 11 through 14.
Constant inspection of the fluid condition and tube or piping connections preserves and saves time on breakdowns and needless part replacements. The following ought to be check regularly:
All hydraulic connections ought to be kept tight to prevent fluid from leaking out. Should the fluid level happen to so low as to un¬cover the inlet pipe opening in the reservoir, major damage to the pump will occur. In suction or return lines, loose connections will allow the air to be drawn into the system consequentially producing noisy and/or irregular operation.
Clean fluid is the key factor for long service life. Therefore, the reservoir ought to be checked every so often for dirt or other contaminants. If the fluid does becomes polluted, the system should be drained and the reservoir cleaned prior to adding new fluid
Filter elements need to be checked and replaced once in a while. A clogged filter element outcome will show a pressure drop. In turn will push particles all the way through the filter which would normally be trapped, or can cause the bypass to open, resulting in a partial or complete loss of filtra¬tion.
Air bubbles in the reservoir can ruin the pump and other components, therefore if bubbles are seen, establish the source of the air and seal the leak (See Table 3).5. A pump that is running exceptionally hot or noisy is likely to fail so when a pump becomes noisy or over¬heated, the machine must be shut down as soon as possible to prevent improper operation till it gets corrected.
Talk to our team of skilled and easygoing specialists. It will be their pleasure to help you.